I’ve had a buried Mighty Mule driveway sensor for over a year. It detects cars or large metal objects, and until now, I haven’t had a single false alarm. But yesterday at 1:45 AM, the receiver in my room went off. I checked outside—nothing. I even used a spotlight down my 300-foot driveway with a gate at the end. Still nothing.
Here’s the thing: the only car that’s usually here has been in the shop for a few days, so I feel like my place looks extra tempting for someone scoping it out. I replaced the batteries today after not changing them for over a year. I don’t know what the low battery signal is supposed to be, but it sounded like the usual chime for someone coming up the driveway.
Out of curiosity, I tested the sensor with a shovel today, and it went off. Now I’m wondering… could someone have been creeping with a metal object at night? Or maybe some weird radio interference triggered it? My anxiety is through the roof, especially after my time in the service, and I can’t sleep until the sun comes up.
But also, I can’t figure out why anyone would approach my property from the driveway when the woods surrounding the house are a much easier route. What do you all think? Low battery issue? Someone sneaking around? I need some input because I’m overthinking everything right now.