I’ve had plenty of debates with people who say an AR-15 is pointless for home defense. The arguments usually go the same way.
First, they ask, “How many people are you expecting to break in? Are you a gang leader or something?” Because apparently, criminals never work in teams. The AR holds more rounds, is easier to mount an optic and flashlight, and allows for better accuracy under stress. Also, between 2003-2007, about 700 home burglaries per day in the U.S. resulted in violence against homeowners. That alone is enough reason to be prepared.
Then, people bring up mass shootings. “The AR-15 is used in mass shootings!” But it’s not the most common weapon used—handguns are. They point out events like Sandy Hook and Las Vegas, saying the AR-15 can kill more people than a handgun. Well, yeah, because it’s more effective, which is exactly why I want one for defending my home. If I need to protect myself or my family, I want the most capable tool available.
Then there’s the “Why do you need 30 rounds?” argument. Simple—I don’t need 30 rounds, but it’s better to have them than not. In a life-or-death situation, the last thing I want to worry about is running out of ammo. Just because I keep my car’s gas tank full doesn’t mean I plan to drive 400 miles every time I start it. Same concept.
Some people worry about overpenetration, but if you use the right rounds, .223/5.56 actually penetrates less than 9mm. There are defensive rounds designed to break up in walls, making them safer for home defense. And for those who think a shotgun is a better choice, keep in mind that at home-defense ranges, the spread isn’t that big. You still have to aim it just like any other firearm.
And at the end of the day, a lot of anti-gun people don’t really care about AR-15s specifically—they just don’t like guns, period. They claim you’re more likely to die if you own one, but they lump suicides into those statistics while ignoring that countries like Japan have higher suicide rates despite having strict gun laws.
I’m not saying everyone needs an AR-15 for home defense. But it’s an option, and for a lot of people, it makes sense. If something bad happens, I’d rather have the best tool for the job.