I’m torn between two options for home defense ammunition: Hornady Black and another brand that performs similarly. The setup would primarily be for close-quarters, indoors scenarios. Both seem highly capable, but I’m wondering which might be more effective at typical home defense ranges and whether overpenetration might be a concern. Thoughts?
The Hornady Black works well on whitetails, so it should be more than adequate for stopping an intruder.
Either will work, but I’m partial to Barnaul Soft Points for this caliber. They expand reliably and are affordable.
Pick whichever is cheaper. At home defense ranges, both will perform adequately. Just ensure you can practice with the ammo to familiarize yourself with how it cycles in your firearm.
The ballistic tips on Hornady Black are designed to expand reliably, making it a great choice for home defense. Underwood is good, too, but more expensive.
Both are decent, but keep in mind that most 7.62x39 ammo is designed for hunting, which emphasizes penetration. For home defense, you might consider a lighter, faster bullet designed for rapid expansion to reduce the risk of overpenetration.
One thing to consider is how the point of impact compares to your practice ammo. Ideally, your home defense rounds should shoot similarly so you can train effectively.
Hornady Black is a solid option and typically more affordable than some premium brands. It also cycles well in most firearms. Overpriced options like Underwood might not be necessary for your needs.
The Hornady SST performs well in ballistic gel tests, but if you’re worried about overpenetration, look into lighter, fragmenting rounds. For 7.62x39, though, reliable expansion is harder to come by in defensive loads.
For close-range home defense, the difference between the two will be negligible. Just make sure it cycles reliably in your firearm.
Hornady Black’s 110-grain V-Max is designed for rapid expansion and minimal overpenetration. It’s a great choice for indoor scenarios where controlling collateral damage is critical.