What's the easiest gun for home defense?

Hey everyone, I’ve never owned a firearm, but I’m considering getting one for peace of mind. I don’t want anything flashy or complicated—just something light and easy to use. I’m an older woman living alone in a big house, and if I ever had to check on a noise downstairs, I’d like to feel safe. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

Before buying, I highly recommend taking a basic firearm safety and handling class. Guns are simple to use, but good habits need to become second nature to avoid accidents. Training will also help you decide what feels most comfortable for you.

That makes sense. I’ll look into training first. Thank you!

I can’t stress this enough. My mom had break-in problems, so my brother got her a .38 revolver. One night, she tried firing a warning shot through a window and accidentally shot off the tip of her finger. Painful rehab followed. Please, please get some training first!

If hand strength is a concern, look into the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ series. These pistols are designed to be easy to rack, load, and operate. They’re one of the only models specifically built for ease of use.

I’ll check it out! I also heard about rubber bullets—are those real?

Luca said:
I’ll check it out! I also heard about rubber bullets—are those real?

Yes, they exist, but they’re a bad idea. Legally, firing any kind of ammunition—rubber or not—is considered deadly force. If you’re in a situation where you feel the need to shoot, you should be using proper defensive ammo, not something designed to be ‘less lethal.’ Otherwise, you might put yourself at risk legally and physically.

That makes a lot of sense. Honestly, I’ve been on edge for months because my step-sibling has been threatening me. I already have a dog, but maybe I should invest in an alarm system instead?

Luca said:
That makes a lot of sense. Honestly, I’ve been on edge for months because my step-sibling has been threatening me. I already have a dog, but maybe I should invest in an alarm system instead?

I’m so sorry you’re going through that. If someone you know is a potential threat, a firearm might not be the best first step. A security system is a great deterrent, and modern options like Ring are very easy to use. A big dog is also a good defense. If you’re feeling unsure about a gun, you might also consider pepper spray or a TASER as a middle ground.

If you’re new to guns, take a class first. Then, try renting a few different models at a range to see what feels best. If you have weaker hands, a revolver might be easier than a semi-auto. If recoil is a concern, a pistol-caliber carbine (PCC) or lightweight rifle might be a better fit than a handgun or shotgun.

I didn’t even think about renting first! I also realized I’d need a safe, which I hadn’t considered before.

If ease of use is your top priority, an AR-15 might be a good choice. They’re lightweight, have low recoil, and are easier to shoot accurately than handguns. Handguns take a lot of practice to use effectively, while a rifle gives you better control.

I got my mother a .38 revolver because her arthritis made it hard to rack the slide on a semi-auto. Revolvers are simple—just point and shoot. No safety switches or jams to worry about.

Since you mentioned feeling unsafe because of a family member, I’d recommend getting pepper spray first. It’s effective, easy to use, and doesn’t require as much training. If you do decide on a gun, make sure you take a self-defense class so you’re comfortable using it. Also, don’t go downstairs looking for an intruder—stay in a secure location and call the police.

A lot of people will recommend shotguns, but I wouldn’t. They have strong recoil and require practice to use effectively. Handguns are easier to store and handle, but take practice to shoot well. If you’re really new to firearms, a pistol-caliber carbine might be the easiest option—it’s like a rifle but shoots low-recoil handgun ammo.

If you’re looking for a handgun, the Smith & Wesson Shield EZ (either in .380 or 9mm) is a great choice. It’s easy to rack and handle, making it ideal for people new to shooting.

Get a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ or a revolver if you want something simple. Just make sure to get some training so you feel confident handling it.

AR-15s are often overlooked for home defense, but they’re actually great. They have less recoil than shotguns, more capacity than handguns, and are easier to shoot accurately. A lightweight AR with a mounted flashlight would be a great choice.

Since it sounds like you wouldn’t want to practice much, I’d steer away from a handgun. They require training to use effectively. A simple shotgun or pistol-caliber carbine (PCC) would be much easier.

Whatever you choose, make sure you learn proper gun safety. Consider taking a class before buying to see what fits you best.