What to use for home defense?

I can’t own a gun. What would be better for home defense: a crossbow or a bow?

Consider alternatives like tasers, an alarm system, dogs, mace, a baseball bat, or a machete. Self-defense classes can also be a great investment.

Zora said:
Consider alternatives like tasers, an alarm system, dogs, mace, a baseball bat, or a machete. Self-defense classes can also be a great investment.

A medieval axe can be effective for scaring off intruders, especially if you don’t have access to firearms.

A baseball bat with a tube sock on it is a solid choice. It gives you an extra chance if someone grabs the bat since they can’t pull it away as easily.

Frey said:
A baseball bat with a tube sock on it is a solid choice. It gives you an extra chance if someone grabs the bat since they can’t pull it away as easily.

The sock idea is both hilarious and genius!

Between the two, a crossbow is better for home defense. It’s easier to keep ready and requires less skill to aim accurately compared to a bow.

Caden said:
Between the two, a crossbow is better for home defense. It’s easier to keep ready and requires less skill to aim accurately compared to a bow.

I found some affordable crossbow options like the Redback XR. Would that work?

As an archer, I wouldn’t recommend using a bow indoors. It’s not practical for close quarters. A crossbow is slightly better but still not ideal in a pinch. Focus on improving your locks and learning self-defense.

If allowed in your country, consider a black powder firearm. They’re often exempt from modern gun laws. For melee defense, a well-trained dog or a sturdy weapon like a tomahawk can be effective.

Start with prevention: good locks, cameras, and motion sensors. For defense, a combination of pepper spray, a crossbow, and a fixed-blade knife could work. If legal, a Taser is also a good option.

A well-trained dog can be a great deterrent. Also, consider security upgrades like door reinforcements and window bars.

Wasp spray can work in a pinch if pepper spray isn’t available. It sprays far and can temporarily blind an intruder.

A heavy flashlight like a 4D Maglite can double as a weapon in close quarters.

A slingshot might seem unconventional, but it’s compact, easy to use, and offers virtually unlimited ammo with practice.