What shouldn't be used for home defense?

Curious about what people think are bad choices for home defense. What should be avoided, and why?

Finger guns don’t cut it.

Barrett M99 is overkill and not practical at all.

Pillows might only work if you’re in a cartoon.

I’ve heard people say shotguns aren’t always ideal.

Zeke said:
I’ve heard people say shotguns aren’t always ideal.

Depends—are we talking about buckshot or tequila shots?

A water pistol filled with anything gross, like gopher gland secretions. It’s just a bad idea overall.

I’ve read that 9mm pistols aren’t the best for home defense since the rounds can go through multiple walls, which could be dangerous for others in the house.

Bear spray is also not a great idea because in a confined space, you’ll end up breathing it in too.

And knives—while effective in some situations—are risky. If someone is in your home, chances are they might have a gun, and you don’t want to bring a knife to that fight.