What’s the best for home defense? Need advice

I’m new to owning guns and have been asking everyone I know for advice. I’ve talked to current and ex-military folks, gun enthusiasts, and pretty much anyone who knows more than me.

The problem is, everyone has a different opinion. Some say to avoid pistols and stick with a shotgun. Others say pistols are better for starters. One person suggested going to the range to rent and try a bunch of guns first, which sounds smart, but I’m still super confused.

What do you all think? I just want something to protect myself at home if it ever comes to that. Any help would be appreciated!

This is one of the most debated topics. People argue about whether a shotgun, handgun, or even an AR is better for home defense. Honestly, it depends on your situation and what feels right for you.

Think about your living space: Do you have tight hallways or open areas? Do you live in an apartment or a house? Are you worried about over-penetration and hitting unintended targets? These are all questions to ask yourself.

No gun is perfect for every situation, so it’s about finding what works best for you and training with it. Make sure you also think about where and how you’ll store it safely. Good luck!

Great advice here. Also, hollow-point ammo is worth considering for a handgun since it’s less likely to over-penetrate. If you live in a space with tight corners, a pistol might be easier to maneuver compared to a long gun. Definitely try a few at the range and see what feels best for you. Training is the key!

Personally, I’d go with a pistol for home defense. You can keep it in a small lockbox by your bed and have it ready quickly. Just make sure you train often. A gun you don’t practice with can be more dangerous than not having one at all.

If you ever decide to conceal carry in the future, a pistol will be easier to carry than a shotgun or rifle.

What’s your living situation like? Do you have kids in the house? Apartment or single-family home? Those details can make a big difference in what would work best for you.

Ashton said:
What’s your living situation like? Do you have kids in the house? Apartment or single-family home? Those details can make a big difference in what would work best for you.

I live alone in a small apartment, no kids, and I’m in South Carolina.

If you’re on the ground floor, get extra locks, a door security bar, and maybe some impact film for your windows. Cameras at all entry points are also a good idea. Once you’ve secured the place, then think about getting a gun.

If you’ve never shot a handgun before, you might find it harder to hit your target than you’d expect. If you’re not planning to train often, a shotgun could be a better option for home defense. Also, the sound of racking a shotgun can be enough to scare off an intruder.

I’d recommend a 20-gauge shotgun. It has less recoil than a 12-gauge but is still highly effective. Buckshot loads will do the job without over-penetrating as much as a rifle.

Taylor said:
I’d recommend a 20-gauge shotgun. It has less recoil than a 12-gauge but is still highly effective. Buckshot loads will do the job without over-penetrating as much as a rifle.

Good point. I’ve been considering a 20-gauge myself, but they’re harder to find compared to 12-gauges.

You could check GunBroker or similar sites. They usually have options, but prices can be steep.

Taylor said:
You could check GunBroker or similar sites. They usually have options, but prices can be steep.

I’ll keep that in mind, but I’m on a budget, so buying another firearm isn’t an option right now.

Totally get that. I’m in the same boat after picking up a new rolling block rifle. The prices for some of these guns are wild these days.

Taylor said:
Totally get that. I’m in the same boat after picking up a new rolling block rifle. The prices for some of these guns are wild these days.

Right? It’s tough finding something affordable these days.

I mostly got into guns for hunting, but I keep a 12-gauge with defensive rounds for home protection. Depending on your concerns, like a possible break-in versus something more targeted, you might also consider getting a good-sized dog, motion lights, and practicing drills for worst-case scenarios. Guns are just tools, so the more you practice, the better you’ll handle them when it matters.

Everything has its trade-offs. Pistols are easier to handle in tight spaces, but they need regular practice to be effective. Shotguns have strong stopping power but come with heavy recoil and limited capacity. ARs are easier to learn and shoot accurately, but they can be pricey, especially if you start adding accessories. It really comes down to what you feel comfortable with and can afford to practice with regularly.

A Glock 19 is always a safe choice. It’s reliable, simple, and easy to find parts or accessories for. Practice with it, and you’ll be set.

Wade said:
A Glock 19 is always a safe choice. It’s reliable, simple, and easy to find parts or accessories for. Practice with it, and you’ll be set.

I’ve heard concerns about over-penetration with pistols, especially in an apartment. How do I avoid that?

Over-penetration happens if you miss or use the wrong ammo. Defensive rounds like hollow points are designed to expand on impact and reduce penetration. Watch videos on this topic—there’s good info out there showing how different ammo behaves in drywall scenarios. But the bottom line is to train and make your shots count.