Looking for practical self-defense tips that aren’t the usual stuff. What should people know that isn’t obvious?
Don’t overcomplicate things. If you’re not trained, avoid trying fancy moves. Adrenaline will make you faster and stronger, but it’ll also mess with your precision.
Go for easy targets like the face, throat, and groin. Scream, kick, bite, throw things. Just focus on surviving.
Basically, keep it simple. Fancy moves are for the movies, not real life.
Hollis said:
Basically, keep it simple. Fancy moves are for the movies, not real life.
Saitama-style karate chop incoming
Forget honor. Go for the eyes, nose, groin—whatever you can. I even carry pocket sand in case I need to distract someone. If I’m wearing a jacket, I’ll throw it at them to buy time.
Dez said:
Forget honor. Go for the eyes, nose, groin—whatever you can. I even carry pocket sand in case I need to distract someone. If I’m wearing a jacket, I’ll throw it at them to buy time.
Pocket sand? That’s a real thing?
Absolutely. You have to yell ‘Pocket sand!’ while throwing it for maximum effect.
Dez said:
Absolutely. You have to yell ‘Pocket sand!’ while throwing it for maximum effect.
You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Dez said:
Absolutely. You have to yell ‘Pocket sand!’ while throwing it for maximum effect.
You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Not joking at all. It’s a mix of fine and coarse sand. Works like a charm.
Add powdered glass to it?
Nope, that’s overkill.
Pro tip: Throw in some Diatomaceous Earth. I once used my pocket sand on a group of thugs in Brazil. They backed off, and the townspeople treated me like a hero.
Are you Puss in Boots?
Shhaaa shaaaa pocket sand!
The best defense? Scream and run.
Weston said:
The best defense? Scream and run.
Not everyone can run. If you can’t, be mean and unpredictable.
Weston said:
The best defense? Scream and run.
Not everyone can run. If you can’t, be mean and unpredictable.
Or just be faster than the other slow person nearby.
Weston said:
The best defense? Scream and run.
Not everyone can run. If you can’t, be mean and unpredictable.
Or consider getting fit.