What is the best gun for home and/or self-defense?

I’m new to guns but have taken an interest in magnums. From what I hear, the .44 has high recoil and the .357 is single-action. More practical guns for defense that I seem to like are the Colt Python revolvers, Glocks (specifically the Gen 4 19), 1911s (mainly Ruger models), and Berettas (specifically the 92 FS). Would these be practical for defense? Again, I’m new to guns, but I’m interested.

Glocks are infinitely more practical than a Python.

Fin said:
Glocks are infinitely more practical than a Python.


Hollis said:

Fin said:
Glocks are infinitely more practical than a Python.


I couldn’t agree more with the above. However, I’d add that night sights can be a bit gimmicky. In most situations, you’ll need a weapon-mounted light or a handheld flashlight to identify your target properly. Night sights can be overpowered by these lights anyway.

If I had to pick, the Glock 19 is my go-to for home defense. But it’s crucial to practice a lot and create a solid family plan for emergencies.

Fin said:
Glocks are infinitely more practical than a Python.

But a Python has the cool factor! Plus, you can channel your inner Wild West gunslinger.

Zayn said:

Fin said:
Glocks are infinitely more practical than a Python.

But a Python has the cool factor! Plus, you can channel your inner Wild West gunslinger.

Cool factor doesn’t matter in a self-defense situation. Six shots versus fifteen is a big deal. The Python is impractical if you’re looking for something for home defense.

Fair enough, but I still like the idea of being a gunslinger!

First off, .44 and .357 magnums aren’t all single-action. But keep in mind they have serious over-penetration issues, which can be dangerous in a home defense scenario.

Mal said:
First off, .44 and .357 magnums aren’t all single-action. But keep in mind they have serious over-penetration issues, which can be dangerous in a home defense scenario.

That makes sense. Thanks!

They’re also really loud indoors.

Mal said:
First off, .44 and .357 magnums aren’t all single-action. But keep in mind they have serious over-penetration issues, which can be dangerous in a home defense scenario.

Revolvers can still be useful, especially if you’re not familiar with firearms. They’re simple to operate and reliable. If you like revolvers, look into .38 Special—many .357 magnum revolvers can shoot it, and it has less recoil.

Yes, you can shoot .38 Special in a .357 magnum revolver, as well as some other rounds like .38 Short Colt. For new shooters, milder .357 loads can also limit over-penetration, and Glaser makes specialty rounds.

Glock 19 or 17 (Gen 3 or newer) with night sights, a light, hollow points, and lots of practice. That’s a solid choice for home defense.

Freddie said:
Glock 19 or 17 (Gen 3 or newer) with night sights, a light, hollow points, and lots of practice. That’s a solid choice for home defense.

At a similar price point, I’d also recommend the Smith & Wesson M&P9. Ultimately, pick the one that feels best in your hands.

If you’re new to guns, ask a friend to take you to a range to try different models or take a handgun class. Until you’ve fired a variety of guns, it’s hard to decide what’s best for you.

The best gun is the one you’re comfortable with and know how to handle. Train with it regularly.

For strictly home defense, I recommend a 12-gauge pump shotgun loaded with 00 or No. 4 buckshot. At close range, it’s incredibly effective and easy to use with a bit of training. Look into Mossberg or Remington for reliable options.

I’d recommend a 9mm semi-auto handgun. Revolvers are reliable but impractical for home defense because of limited capacity and slower reloads. Personally, I keep an FN FNS40 and a Smith & Wesson M&P9 2.0 for home defense.

The best gun is the one you’re proficient with. Try a variety of guns—both revolvers and semi-autos—to see what fits you best. Practice and training are key.

If it’s mainly for fun at the range and home defense, any full-size 9mm will work. Glock 19, Beretta 92FS, or Sig Sauer P226 are great options. If you love 1911s, consider one in .45 ACP or 10mm.