I can’t own a firearm right now for personal reasons, but I still want to protect myself and my family. I’ve considered things like a stun gun, pepper spray, a less-lethal pistol, or even a cattle prod. What do you think works best? Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
I get that guns are very effective in dangerous situations, but that’s not something I can do at the moment. Also, I’ve got a 40lb pitbull mix who might bark at an intruder but would probably roll over for a belly rub.
My 160-pound Cane Corso looks scary and barks loud enough to make anyone think twice. But would he actually attack? Probably not. It’s more about deterring than fighting.
As someone in pest control, I’ve seen how effective a big barking dog can be as a deterrent. Even if they’re friendly, their bark alone often makes intruders reconsider.