What are good non-gun options for home defense?

I can’t own a firearm right now for personal reasons, but I still want to protect myself and my family. I’ve considered things like a stun gun, pepper spray, a less-lethal pistol, or even a cattle prod. What do you think works best? Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

I get that guns are very effective in dangerous situations, but that’s not something I can do at the moment. Also, I’ve got a 40lb pitbull mix who might bark at an intruder but would probably roll over for a belly rub.

A Bat’leth could work.

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

As long as it comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Clove said:

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

As long as it comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Avoid the knockoff versions, they’re no good.

Blaine said:

Clove said:
Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

As long as it comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Avoid the knockoff versions, they’re no good.

The real treasure is the honor in wielding one, not the brand name.

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.


Blue said:

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.


May your house find glory in this battle.

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

How about Mandalorian vambraces?

Davin said:

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

How about Mandalorian vambraces?

Yes, with crushgaunts! Super practical.

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

Any suggestions for keeping intruders out of your personal space?

Oak said:

Blaine said:
A Bat’leth could work.

Any suggestions for keeping intruders out of your personal space?

A loud, intimidating bark from a loyal dog might do wonders.

A big loyal dog could help.

Blue said:
A big loyal dog could help.

My 160-pound Cane Corso looks scary and barks loud enough to make anyone think twice. But would he actually attack? Probably not. It’s more about deterring than fighting.

True, most people won’t stick around to test how far the dog will go.

Big dogs scare off most opportunists, for sure.

Kai said:
Big dogs scare off most opportunists, for sure.

But keep in mind that having a dog is a long-term commitment, not just a quick solution.

Blue said:
A big loyal dog could help.

As someone in pest control, I’ve seen how effective a big barking dog can be as a deterrent. Even if they’re friendly, their bark alone often makes intruders reconsider.

Lock your doors and windows first. Maybe consider a riot shield and a baton for backup.

Fitz said:
Lock your doors and windows first. Maybe consider a riot shield and a baton for backup.

Or go medieval—use a shield and a small axe!

Pepper spray is a good option. Just be sure to train with it and know what to expect if you ever have to use it.