Maverick 88 shotgun from Mossberg with a side saddle, adjustable stock with a pistol grip, weapon light, sling, and a snap-on sight. Appreciate anyone checking it out!
I took off my shell carrier because it added too much weight and threw off the balance. I guess it depends on the person, though. I do like the pistol grip and collapsible stock!
Here come the usual ‘shotguns are bad for home defense’ arguments. If someone’s breaking in, you want to stop them as fast as possible. If a stray pellet damages a wall, that’s a small price to pay. A 12-gauge isn’t some over-penetrating monster compared to rifles or pistols. You made a solid choice. I personally use an M4 Super 90 for home defense.
Shotguns are great, but they do require practice. A lot of people assume they can just point and shoot, but recoil and reloading can be challenging if you’re not used to it.
Paxton said:
Shotguns are great, but they do require practice. A lot of people assume they can just point and shoot, but recoil and reloading can be challenging if you’re not used to it.
That’s fair, but it’s the same for any firearm. If someone trains regularly, they can get just as proficient with a shotgun as they would with a rifle or pistol. It’s all about commitment.
Not trying to argue, but FBI studies show 00 buck, 9mm, and 5.56 all perform differently when penetrating walls. 9mm actually goes through more drywall than 00 buck, and 5.56 tends to break up more. Shotguns aren’t a bad option, but they aren’t the ultimate choice either.
Shotguns are middle of the pack in penetration, which is exactly why they work well. They were literally built for close-quarters combat, and modern tactical shotguns are designed for home defense.
They actually ranked second to last in some tests, even behind .308. Also, shotguns in military and law enforcement are mostly used for breaching, not room clearing. That’s why cops swapped them out for ARs.
Yeah, the way you listed the calibers made it seem like 00 buck was worse than it actually is. But no one’s coming after you, man.
Wait, are you saying 00 buck penetrates more than .308?
Oli said:
Wait, are you saying 00 buck penetrates more than .308?
No, according to the test I saw, .308 actually penetrated less than 00 buck. After going through two drywall layers, .308 lost more energy compared to buckshot. It’s worth looking up the study.
Wow, that’s not what I expected! I always thought shotguns were the worst for over-penetration. Thanks for sharing.
Shotguns aren’t just for breaching. I was in the military, and while they were used for that, they were also used for close engagements. Can’t speak for law enforcement, though.
Andi said:
Shotguns aren’t just for breaching. I was in the military, and while they were used for that, they were also used for close engagements. Can’t speak for law enforcement, though.
This debate happens every time. Some people just like to trash shotguns to justify using ARs for home defense.
I never said shotguns were bad. I’m just pointing out that they aren’t the best option for everything. It’s not the 1950s anymore.
The type of ammo matters a lot too. #4 buck has less penetration. I use 00 buck subsonic to limit over-penetration. No matter what you pick, you need to train with it.
Solid setup. Just make sure you practice with it!
I love shotguns for home defense. If you get a chance, try some shotgun-only matches. They’re a great way to improve your skills.
Am I the only one who hates pistol grips on shotguns? They make hip-firing a nightmare.
Noor said:
Am I the only one who hates pistol grips on shotguns? They make hip-firing a nightmare.
Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I don’t like them either.