Convince me that the AR-15 carbine is terrible for home defense and that the shotgun is the superior choice. I’ve heard strong arguments for both sides, but I find some claims baffling:
“The AR-15 carbine (16”) is too big; get a shotgun (18-20")."
“You don’t have time to aim in home defense; use a shotgun.”
“The AR-15 will penetrate through 5 walls; get a shotgun.” This argument often ignores caliber and ammo selection.
I’ve read an article comparing pistols, shotguns, and rifles with various ammo types for home defense. It states that, with the right ammunition, an AR-15 has less over-penetration than a 12-gauge shotgun. Misses still penetrate, but the projectiles destabilize more quickly, especially with 5.56 NATO rounds. (Link to the article: [Study] Home Defense Overpenetration: Shotgun, Handgun, Rifle - Pew Pew Tactical)
I personally lean toward .300 Blackout, which I suspect might perform even better in these scenarios, though I haven’t fully fact-checked that yet. Let’s discuss!
The best home defense weapon is the one you’re most comfortable with. If you train with a shotgun and feel confident, that’s your best choice. If you prefer the AR-15, stick with that. Your proficiency matters more than the platform.
Training trumps all. A person who trains regularly with a 12-gauge will outperform someone who has an AR but doesn’t practice. Use what you’re comfortable with.
Check out Paul Harrell’s video on this topic. He breaks down the pros and cons of shotguns and AR-15s for home defense in a practical and entertaining way:
If you use an AR-15, consider a suppressor or high-quality ear protection. Unsuppressed shots indoors can impair your hearing and other senses. Shotguns are also loud, but they have their own issues, like more challenging reloading under stress. Ultimately, choose what you’re proficient with.
I use a suppressed AR in .300 Blackout with supersonic ammo. It’s effective, keeps my hearing intact, and performs well in home defense scenarios. Shotguns are devastating, but they’re harder to handle and reload in high-stress situations.
AR-15s are lightweight, low-recoil, and have higher capacity, making them more user-friendly under stress. Shotguns are powerful but harder to operate for the untrained. Both are effective with proper training, but ARs are often more forgiving.
As someone with experience in both the military and law enforcement, I prefer AR-15s for home defense. They’re versatile, easy to use, and offer low recoil. Shotguns are incredibly powerful but require more training to use effectively under stress.
Pistols are my personal favorite for home defense—they’re discreet, easy to maneuver, and don’t over-penetrate as much. That said, an AR-15 pistol might be the best compromise between maneuverability and stopping power.
For cost-effectiveness, shotguns are great. For performance, a .223/5.56 AR-15 pistol with 10" barrel and suppressor is hard to beat. Use hollow points or varmint ammo to reduce over-penetration.
Choose what you’re best with. I’ve spent a lifetime with shotguns, so they’re second nature to me. If you’re more practiced with an AR, stick with that—it’s all about proficiency.