Our home keeps getting robbed and vandalized… Police won’t help. What can we do?

Good to know, thanks!

Mal said:
You need attack geese… and remember, they can fly!

That’s hilarious :joy:

How much land do you have around the house? Could you fence it off? Guard dogs and guns are must-haves. You don’t need external internet, just set up your own network for cameras and sensors.

Booby traps are illegal, but you could make it look like no one’s home and wait for them to come back. Just make sure you handle it legally, or you’ll end up like Byron David Smith (Google him). If you live in a state with stand-your-ground laws, that could help your case.

If you think you might have to shoot an intruder, get some firearm insurance to protect yourself legally. US LawShield is a good option.

Get two big, mean-looking dogs.

Are you in the U.S.? If so, get a gun.

If no one else can help, and you can find them, maybe it’s time to call the A-Team.

Gale said:
If no one else can help, and you can find them, maybe it’s time to call the A-Team.

Haha! ‘I love it when a plan comes together.’ – Col. Hannibal Smith.

Look into Starlink for internet so you can have cameras. Guard dogs, firearms, and a fence are also good ideas.

Cameras with memory cards don’t need great internet. Also, not sure when these break-ins are happening—are you at work or home? Dogs can be neutralized, but they still help.

Sounds like San Juan Islands, Washington?

Honestly, it might be easier to just sell the place and move. But if not, guns can solve robber problems.

Tennyson said:

I bet you’re the life of the party!

Tennyson said:

That could accidentally hurt a kid. Bad idea.

Tennyson said:

Sounds like a bad plan and possibly illegal where OP lives.