Looking for discreet home defense weapons… suggestions?

Shan said:
Baseball bat, hiking stick, pool cue, tennis racket, hockey stick. But if your kids are boys, they’ll turn anything into a sword and start smiting each other.

Yeah, I’ve got 2 boys, so something that doesn’t look too fun to play with would be ideal. They’re past the toddler stage though, so at least no more random throwing.

My 12-year-old was smashing our fence with a baseball bat yesterday. Three years ago, he was poking holes in it with a bow and arrow. If yours are just past the toddler age, buckle up, you’ve got a while to go!

Kids are little Houdinis. Whatever security you think you’ve set up, they’ll find a way around it.

How about a 6ft spear mounted on the wall?

Wait, are you seriously thinking about leaving a torch lying around with kids? Or are you British and mean a flashlight?

Uma said:
Wait, are you seriously thinking about leaving a torch lying around with kids? Or are you British and mean a flashlight?

I’m pretty sure OP’s British. Torch there means flashlight.

Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

Blake said:
Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

It can for some, but I mostly think of a stick on fire when I hear ‘torch’.

Oran said:

Blake said:
Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

It can for some, but I mostly think of a stick on fire when I hear ‘torch’.

You’re not alone. I think of medieval knights with torches.

I picture the torch the Statue of Liberty holds.

Blake said:
Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

In the US, torch usually means a flame, for sure.

Blake said:
Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

Mine has a push button start… but just one heat setting!

Blake said:
Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

Ever played any medieval video games? That’s what I think of.

Blake said:
Yep, I’m British. Does torch mean blowtorch for you guys?

As an American, I usually think ‘torch’ means what it does in Minecraft. Fire on a stick.

Uma said:
Wait, are you seriously thinking about leaving a torch lying around with kids? Or are you British and mean a flashlight?

The first time my British girlfriend asked to borrow my torch, I was like, ‘My what?!’ Turns out she meant my Maglite.

A solid cane could work. Hickory or steel, whatever works best for you.

A garden spade could be perfect. Hardwood handle for strength, and you can use the flat of the blade for impact or the edge to chop if needed. Plus, kids won’t see it as a toy since it’s a tool.

24-inch ratchet handle.

How about a telescope? Not the big kind, though.

Metal shoehorn.