Is a Camping Axe Good for Home Defense?

I’m considering using a camping axe as a self-defense tool. With holiday season approaching, things can get a little chaotic, and I want something effective until my gun license paperwork is finalized (hopefully next year). Thoughts?

It’s definitely better than nothing, that’s for sure!

Depends on the situation. In a tight space, swinging an axe might be tricky, but it’s definitely intimidating.

For something easier to manage up close, maybe look into a fixed-blade knife. A front quillon (a guard to keep your hand from sliding forward) is helpful.

Personally, I think knives are a better choice.

Better than nothing, but I’d also suggest getting some OC spray if it’s allowed where you live.

A true ‘kill-a-man-jar-opener’ :joy:

Problem is, that handle gives an intruder something to grab onto.

Zen said:
Problem is, that handle gives an intruder something to grab onto.

Haha, yep, just make sure you don’t lose your grip! I had a similar issue with a bat. Honestly, bear spray might be a better option for indoors. It’s messy but it works.

Anything melee has the downside of possibly being taken and used against you. Pairing it with pepper spray might help. That stuff can stop anyone in their tracks!

If you’re considering melee defense, think about a bat with a sock or pantyhose over it to keep it from slipping. For full-on defense, maybe look into a sword! Plus, learning some fencing or HEMA can be a fun hobby.

But honestly, an axe might be tough in close quarters. A short sword or something similar would give you more control. And for added effect, wear a helmet—extra shock factor for any intruder.

Out of curiosity, is your country strict on all firearms?

Thanks, this is helpful! They are strict on all guns here, but I’m processing the paperwork, which should be ready next year.

More useful if you’re defending against a bear than a person, haha!

Makes me think of ‘Here’s Johnny!’ :joy:

Depends what you’re comparing it to. Are you expecting to face multiple people or just need something to feel safer?

Could a taser work for you? Some can be used at close range and also up to 15 feet away.

West said:
Could a taser work for you? Some can be used at close range and also up to 15 feet away.

Yes, that might be a good option. Thanks for the suggestion!

Only if you’re good at throwing it! :laughing:

Between the axe and a bat, I’d probably go with the axe for a bit more reach. But honestly, bear spray or pepper spray might keep you safer while keeping distance between you and an intruder.