Long story short, the state I live in forbids me to own firearms due to the fact that I have a medical card. I’m looking for some ideas to help me defend myself from a distance.
I already have a crossbow/recurve bow, sword, and knives. I also have a security bar for the door (apartment, top floor).
Maybe a paintball gun with rubber balls? Pepper balls? Something homemade? Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you.
Moe said:
Taser, pepper spray, and basic martial arts/self-defense training.
Martial arts can be hit or miss depending on what you train in. Stick to proven ones like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, or boxing. As for pepper spray, it’s good as a deterrent but not always a fight-ender. Training and preparation are key.
Focus on prevention first: lights, reinforced doors, and strong locks. For self-defense, a short sword or sturdy walking stick can be effective for close quarters.
Set up layers of defense: bright lights outside, cameras, and good locks. For close combat, a bat or baton works well, but make sure to train with it. Confidence under stress is critical.
For distance defense, air rifles or high-powered slingshots with steel bearings are viable options. Close combat? A sturdy spear or staff provides reach and control.