Home defense in California… what’s actually practical?

Thinking about what’s actually useful for home defense in California. Maglocked ARs? Shotguns? Handguns? What do you guys actually run?

Don’t use a maglocked AR with 10-round mags for home defense.

Take cool pictures for the internet, but don’t rely on it to protect your life.

Kai said:
Don’t use a maglocked AR with 10-round mags for home defense.

Take cool pictures for the internet, but don’t rely on it to protect your life.

Good thing I’ve got a .45 and a 12-gauge as backups.

Kai said:
Don’t use a maglocked AR with 10-round mags for home defense.

Take cool pictures for the internet, but don’t rely on it to protect your life.

Benelli M4 and my trusty Sig P220. No compromises.

Kai said:
Don’t use a maglocked AR with 10-round mags for home defense.

Take cool pictures for the internet, but don’t rely on it to protect your life.

Why not? What makes it a bad choice?

Alright, let’s run through a scenario.

You wake up to a noise, grab your maglocked AR, and move to check it out. You spot an intruder, he sees you, you both fire and miss. You go for a follow-up shot… but your trigger is dead. You look down and see a double feed. You try to clear it, but it’s not working. The mag won’t drop because of the maglock. You’re stuck.

Meanwhile, the intruder figures out you’re dealing with a malfunction, empties his magazine into you, and takes off with your stuff.

A few days later, the news runs a story about someone who relied on a maglocked rifle for home defense and lost. Pro-gun folks argue about bad laws, anti-gun folks push for more restrictions, and life moves on.

Lesson: Don’t rely on a gun that’s been functionally compromised by bad laws.

That’s a solid 10x headshot bonus right there.

That was… a well-written essay, my friend.

Luca said:
That was… a well-written essay, my friend.

Sometimes you gotta paint a clear picture for people to really get it.

And don’t forget how stupid loud an AR-15 is indoors. You’ll disorient yourself and anyone else in the house.

Quin said:
And don’t forget how stupid loud an AR-15 is indoors. You’ll disorient yourself and anyone else in the house.

Yeah, firing a 5.56 indoors without hearing protection means permanent hearing damage for everyone in the room.

ARs also have serious over-penetration issues. You could hit the intruder and whatever’s behind them, whether it’s another room in your house or your neighbor’s place.

If you train with a maglock and use a bad lever, you can clear jams and reload pretty quickly. It’s all about muscle memory. Dry fire and train often.

One shot and most intruders are running for the exit. I’ve been around plenty of sketchy folks, and I can tell you they don’t like confrontation.

Own a musket for home defense. That’s what the founding fathers intended. Four guys break into my house. ‘What the devil?!’ I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. I fire, sending a golf ball-sized hole through the first guy. Draw my pistol, miss completely, and hit the neighbor’s dog. The cannon at the top of the stairs takes care of the other two, and I finish the last one off with a bayonet charge.

Just as the founding fathers intended.

Absolute classic. Well played, sir.

Came here just to see this comment. Was not disappointed.

Home defense with a maglocked rifle? C’mon man.

Kim said:
Home defense with a maglocked rifle? C’mon man.

If you ask nicely, the intruder might even help you clear the jam.

Kim said:
Home defense with a maglocked rifle? C’mon man.

Or… just wait for Saint Benitez to free the mags.