Hey guys, I’m looking to get some sort of edged weapon for home defense (firearms are not an option) and was hoping for some help. First of all, I fully accept responsibility for my own actions and know it’s bad to take to heart advice from random strangers on the internet.
I live in an apartment, and once I’m in the front door, the only escape is back out the front door. (The windows don’t open; there’s no emergency escape through them.) So if I were threatened in my home, my only option is to either barricade myself, or if it came to it, to fight back. Running simply is not an option.
Where I live, firearms and non-lethal options like pepper-spray and stun guns are outright illegal to own or use for self defense. My only realistic option then seems to get a bladed weapon of some kind.
So, in a home defense situation, I was wondering what would be the ideal weapon for self defense? I have conveniently placed bottles of household cleaners in spray bottles around the house that will hopefully act in a similar way to pepper-spray, but the time it takes for these to take effect may be too late.
What I’ve been thinking about recently has been spears. They have a good reach, so you can stay well back from your threat, and they certainly show that you mean business. I’ve also considered investing in something simple like a machete that can be used for self defense and may double as a useful general tool.
What do you guys think? Any ideas on appropriate weapons for those scenarios? Any thoughts on home defense tactics when you are unable to retreat?
Do you have any stories to share about any scenarios that you’ve been prepared to use your weapon for self defense? Or any similar thoughts you’ve had along these lines?
(I hope this is appropriate for this forum. I had considered /r/meleeweapons, but it’s such a small forum I wasn’t sure it would go anywhere.)
Where I live, firearms and non-lethal options like pepper-spray and stun guns are outright illegal to own or use for self defense. My only realistic option then seems to get a bladed weapon of some kind.
Why do you think a bladed weapon would be legal for home defense when a firearm or less-lethal option would not be? You need to learn the self defense law of your community/state/nation. Better yet you need to state where you are geographically as part of the background of your question.
Its not uncommon for places outlaw firearms and things like pepper spray, but not bother with anachronistic weapons. Either way, knowning the laws is always good.
Riley said: @Remy
Its not uncommon for places outlaw firearms and things like pepper spray, but not bother with anachronistic weapons. Either way, knowning the laws is always good.
Outright outlaw possession and acquisition? True. But antiquated weapons are still regulated in use. Most US jurisdictions still have knife laws with regards to carry size. A big knife or sword is also regulated as a deadly weapon in terms of allowable use. Which means if you aren’t allowed to use deadly force for defense, then doing so with a knife, axe, sword, or cutlass instead of a gun isn’t going to help much.
deadly weapon
A deadly weapon is usually defined as a firearm or any object designed, made, or adapted for the purposes of inflicting death or serious physical injury.
Briar said: @Remy
deadly weapon
A deadly weapon is usually defined as a firearm or any object designed, made, or adapted for the purposes of inflicting death or serious physical injury.
Yes, but in many places within the US that definition also explicitly includes a knife with a blade length over a few inches. The specific length varies from state to state, but the most common ones are 3 or 3.5 inches. I work in a federal building and the federal definition is actually only 2 inches if I recall correctly.
Double-edged knives, spring loaded knives (switchblade laws), or even fixed blade knives can also be subject to additional restrictions.
Briar said: @Remy
deadly weapon
A deadly weapon is usually defined as a firearm or any object designed, made, or adapted for the purposes of inflicting death or serious physical injury.
The only purpose of a sword is to kill other people. It is strictly a weapon of war, more so than a gun which has peaceful uses. Knives, axes and machetes have real world practical use. The sword was never invented to be a tool.
Tarian said: @Slate
/u/thereddaikon is not the law, and he believes that swords are only for killing people which is ridiculous.
You’re right I’m not but there are a lot of stupid laws about stuff like that. I was considering using one of my unsharpened Katana as part of a Halloween costume and my lawyer friend told me know because of the legal implications. Even though open carry of weapons is legal in my state and I’ve technically done it before moving guns he said it can still be construed the wrong way and can give me a bad day. Shit happens. Hell there’s even rules about using non-weapons intentionally as weapons. Some places are overly aggressive with enforcement and it is not our place as an internet forum to give people legal advice. They should talk to a lawyer and we should always err on the side of caution.
Tarian said: @Sidney
So you consider a sword a weapon? This forum is against weaponizing swords, I don’t think treating them as such will get you good rep.
Sword arts mimic real combat, unless by that you mean you’ve been using swords to play lacrosse or something.
I think it would be a lie to say that part of people’s fascination with swords doesn’t stem from their association with war and fighting. There’s a reason people collect swords over lamps or bottle caps.
I don’t see how any of what you said has anything to do with what I said. All the people I described do not use swords to kill people. That was my main point and you did nothing to counter it.
Tarian said: @Zen
I don’t see how any of what you said has anything to do with what I said. All the people I described do not use swords to kill people. That was my main point and you did nothing to counter it.
Your original post was in response to the idea that a sword is a weapon of war, which it absolutely is. Therefore, a sword should be subject to laws regarding weapon use and possession. It’s not as innocuous as a stick, a knife, or even a baseball bat.
No, it is not a weapon of war as today firearms are used and not swords. Swords are used for sports, collection and self-enjoyment. They aren’t weapons of war. If I went with your logic my navigator would be a weapon of war due to the fact that it was made for the sole purpose of moving missiles in the right direction.
Well I was trying to simplify it but I can expand to make a bit more sense.
Firearms - legal under strict circumstances to own, but restrictions on keeping them unloaded in safes make them impractical for use in an emergency situation.
Crossbows are illegal to own fullstop. Pepper spray is illegal to own fullstop.
Objects that can be used as weapons such as clubs, swords, knives, etc. are illegal to carry in public without a good excuse (need it for fishing, sporting etc.) but can be kept at home without excuse. Bows and arrows fall under the same category, but are impractical in the close quarters of an apartment.
Usually use of these items would be questionable, as you have a duty to retreat if you can. (No castle doctrine.) The use of such objects for self defense in my home would be justified because there is no way for me to retreat once someone has entered my front door. There is no back door or access through the windows.
That’s all you should really need to know. I hope that helps.