Hearing safety and home defense firearms?

Shai said:
I like that idea, but if I’m clearing my house at night, I want to be able to hear as well.

Good point. You can get the muffs that let you hear while wearing them. You’ll actually hear better with them on.

How often do you expect to be shooting intruders? If it’s as often as you go to the range, then hearing protection, suppressors, plate carriers, and night vision make sense. But if you’re like most people, this level of prep might be overkill.

That’s a pretty narrow view. We’ve prioritized neighborhood watch, door locks, spotlights, security systems, and cameras. I even worked with local PD to set up a patrol route. It’s all about risk mitigation.

Our neighborhood has had multiple break-ins, assaults, shootings, and carjackings recently. We’re trying to move but are stuck due to being upside down on our mortgage. Not everyone lives in a safe area, and my family’s safety is my priority.

You’re right. Community organizing and having a strong perimeter is way more important than sleeping with a gun under your pillow.

Do you say the same thing about seatbelts?

‘How often do you plan on getting in a car accident? If you’re regularly crashing, then seatbelts and airbags are reasonable; otherwise, you’re over-prepared.’

Haha, fair point! I definitely don’t wear a plate carrier while driving to work.