Good home defense weapons/things that aren’t guns?

I’m looking for non-firearm home defense tools like knives, spears, alarms, traps, or pepper spray. We already own guns, but I’d like to place other defensive items throughout the house. What would you say are the top three non-gun weapons?

I live in California.

Pepper spray indoors is not a good idea.

Alarms, security cameras, and floodlights are essential.

Traps are illegal in most places, and spray weapons can harm you too. Consider:

  • Bats (add a sock to prevent grabs)
  • Taser batons
  • High-powered flashlights (bright enough to disorient)
    Also, focus on prevention with anti-shatter window film, good locks, and visible cameras.

Dogs. Hands down.

Spears are effective for keeping intruders at a distance. They’re easy to learn and great for thrusting. Check local laws, but they should be fine for home defense.

A ridiculously bright flashlight can buy you a few seconds by disorienting the intruder.

Geese can act as natural alarms, and larger dogs are great deterrents.

Uncommon options:

  • A pick hammer
  • FOX Labs OC grenades
  • Sling bag with an armor panel

Keep household items handy:

  • Baseball bats
  • Skillets
  • Machetes
  • Canned goods
  • Wine bottles


  • Crossbows with broadheads
  • Muriatic acid (aim for the eyes, if necessary)
  • Flamethrowers
  • Axes or katanas (though harder to use effectively)
    Ensure your actions align with California laws and the Castle Doctrine.

Air-powered less-lethal launchers (Byrna, PepperBall, etc.) are great for defense with reduced legal risk.

A flashlight—bright enough to blind an intruder—can be a surprisingly effective tool.

A black powder cap-and-ball revolver isn’t classified as a firearm but is still very effective.

My wife keeps a bat with a sock over the end by the bedroom door. If someone grabs it, the sock slides off, leaving her in control of the bat.

Focus on deterrents like motion lights, visible cameras, extra locks, and door alarms. Aerosol sprays designed for other uses can also work in emergencies.