Does this look like someone snapping pictures of my house?

Here’s a link to the video: Imgur: The magic of the Internet. Does it seem like someone is taking photos of my house? The flash caught my attention, but I’m not sure what to think.

That doesn’t look like a camera flash to me. The brightness and how short it is seem more like someone taking a screenshot on their phone.

It’s hard to say for sure, but they might just be fiddling with their phone or looking something up. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions yet.

I don’t think it’s a camera flash. The flash is way too quick, and if the car window isn’t rolled down, it wouldn’t even work well to take a picture.

Nope, doesn’t look like it.

It’s hard to tell. You could try testing it yourself with a camera flash or a lighter to compare. It might just be someone lighting a cigarette or something similar.

I don’t think they’re taking pictures.

Doesn’t look like it to me either.

If they are trying to take pictures, they’re not doing it right. A flash behind a window would just reflect back and mess up the shot.