Best weapon for home self-defense

Hello friends of freedom and self-defense. I’ve been preparing for the possibility of defending myself and my family due to increasing crime in my country. My home was recently robbed while no one was inside, thankfully.

I’m not a weapon expert and have never fired a gun, but I plan to get training. I’m looking for recommendations for the best lethal or non-lethal weapons for home defense. My priorities are reliability, ease of use, and sufficient ammo capacity. The weapon should also be manageable for the women in my family.

My initial thoughts are shotguns and handguns. I’d appreciate your advice, keeping in mind that our walls are made of concrete (we live in Chile, where seismic concerns dictate this). I’m aware of the legal aspects in my country, so there’s no need to address those.

Before deciding, discuss with your family how you feel about potentially taking a life. Hesitation in such a moment could be dangerous. Try different guns at a range to find what works best for each family member. Comfort and confidence are key.

Consider a pistol-caliber carbine (PCC) or submachine gun. These are easier to handle, have good ammo capacity, and are user-friendly for people with minimal training. They are also maneuverable in tight spaces and have lower recoil.

Your needs will vary depending on your home and local environment. Check out Vigilance Elite on YouTube for an analysis of weapons for home defense. They cover a lot of the pros and cons of various options.

A semiautomatic or pump-action shotgun is reliable and powerful for home defense. Pair it with a handgun for flexibility, but remember that handguns require more training to use effectively.

A semiautomatic rifle in a common caliber like 5.56/.223 is an excellent choice for home defense. It’s reliable, easy to operate, and highly effective. If rifles aren’t an option, a shotgun or handgun would work, but they have limitations.

I recommend a combination of a small revolver (e.g., .38 special) for ease of use and a semiautomatic rifle (like an AR-15) for reliability and capacity. Shotguns are also a good option if you’re comfortable with them.

Semiautomatic shotguns are excellent for home defense. They’re easier to use than pump-action models and very effective. Consider suppressors if legal in your area to reduce noise indoors, which is critical for maintaining situational awareness.

Avoid shotguns unless you’re willing to train extensively—they’re harder to handle under stress. Instead, consider a pistol-caliber carbine or a short-barreled rifle. These offer better maneuverability and lower recoil.

Think about what works best for both you and your partner. For example, a handgun might be easier to store and access quickly, while a shotgun could be more effective for less-experienced users. Training is crucial no matter what you choose.

An AR-15 with a short barrel is a solid choice. Add a suppressor to reduce noise indoors and a flashlight for target identification. Rifles are easier to handle, accurate, and effective under stress.

Fantastic opener! I recommend an AR-15 or PCC for ease of use and effectiveness. Rifles are versatile and can adapt to various home defense scenarios.