Best shotgun for home defense and shooting?

Looking to get my first shotgun (not my first gun though). I’m torn between the Mossberg 500/590, the Remington 870, and the Panzer M4. What’s the best option for home defense and casual shooting? Would love your advice!

Forget the Panzer. Go for the Mossberg.

Jesse said:
Forget the Panzer. Go for the Mossberg.

The Panzer might be okay for the range, but I wouldn’t trust it for home defense.

Get the Mossberg or even the Maverick 88 (it’s basically a Mossberg 500). If you prefer Remington, stick to the Police or Marine Magnum models. My vote is still for the 590A1 though.

Caden said:
I own both a 590A1 and an 870 Police Magnum. Personally, I prefer the 590A1 because of the tang safety and its sturdier build.

Totally agree. The 590A1 is a beast.

Caden said:
I own both a 590A1 and an 870 Police Magnum. Personally, I prefer the 590A1 because of the tang safety and its sturdier build.

The 590A1 does feel heavier but that heavy barrel reduces recoil, which is great for extended shooting.

I went with the 590A1, and I love it. It’s built like a tank!

Between the Mossberg 500 and the Remington 870, it really comes down to personal preference. I’m not familiar with the Panzer M4 though.

Consider the Beretta 1301 Tactical Mod 2 as well. It’s worth a look.

Both Mossberg and Remington have proven themselves in military and police use. I can’t say much about the Panzer M4 since I’ve never tried it.

I love my Remington 870 Tactical. Mossberg’s great too. You can’t really go wrong with either.

Skip the Panzer M4. Go for a used 870 Police or any Mossberg with an extended mag tube. If you can afford it, check out an Italian semi-auto.

The Mossberg 590 Retrograde is a great choice. Classic look with modern reliability.

I use a Mossberg 590 for home defense. It’s affordable and reliable. The 590A1 is even better if you don’t mind the extra weight. For more capacity, look for a 9-shot model.

Mossberg 590 all the way. The A1 is cool for its military history, but the heavy barrel isn’t necessary for most situations. I like the tang safety and looser action—it’s more forgiving if the gun isn’t cleaned often.

I think the basic 590 still comes with the bayonet lug.

Are you familiar with pump-action shotguns? If not, you might want to consider a semi-auto. They’re easier to operate in high-stress situations, and you don’t have to worry about pumping under pressure.

Does someone ask this every week, or is it just me?

Niall said:
Does someone ask this every week, or is it just me?

Guess I’ll post it again next week just for you.

Marlo said:

Niall said:
Does someone ask this every week, or is it just me?

Guess I’ll post it again next week just for you.

Let me guess, you’ve got a lifted truck with a Monster decal on the back?