I’m in the process of buying my first house, and I want to make sure my wife has something reliable to defend herself with when I’m not home. I’ve been around guns my whole life and own quite a few, but my wife isn’t a big fan. I bought her a small 9mm for concealed carry, but I haven’t taken her to practice with it as much as I should, so she’s not comfortable with it.
She’s small—5’4" and about 100 lbs—so my 12-gauge is out of the question. I’m looking for something that won’t break the bank, is easy to shoot, and that she can realistically handle.
I’m considering a .22 handgun for ease of use or maybe a 20-gauge semi-auto or side-by-side shotgun. Open to suggestions—just looking for something practical.
Hayden said:
Take her to the range and let her try different guns to see what she’s comfortable with. The more she practices, the more confident she’ll be.
This. Also, set up a security system so she has time to react. The goal is to prevent a confrontation, not just react to one.
A pistol-caliber carbine (PCC) is a solid option. Something like the Ruger PC Carbine, Sig MPX, or AR9 in 9mm has almost no recoil, takes a red dot easily, and can be equipped with a light. It’s also easier to aim under stress than a handgun.
If you want zero recoil, 5.7mm carbines exist, but the cost per round is ridiculous.
An AR-15 in 5.56/.223 with a 16” barrel and mid-length gas system would be soft shooting, even for her. It’s actually easier to shoot than a pistol and has less recoil than a blowback 9mm PCC. Plus, rifle rounds are more effective and don’t over-penetrate as much as people think.
Good point. I originally got her a small 9mm for concealed carry, but she doesn’t like it much. A full-size gun for home defense might be a better idea.
The Smith & Wesson Shield EZ .380 is a great choice for someone with smaller hands or less grip strength. It’s easy to rack, has light recoil, and is simple to use.
If she doesn’t like handguns, consider a pistol-caliber carbine (PCC). My wife hated my pistols because of the weight and recoil but loves my PTR 9KT. It’s easier for her to grip, and with a red dot, it’s much easier to aim than a pistol under stress.
If recoil is a concern, you might consider using 1-¾” ‘mini-shells’ in a pump shotgun like a Mossberg 500. They have way less recoil but are still effective for home defense.
An AR-15 is going to be your best bet for home defense—light recoil, easy to shoot, and more effective than a shotgun. A pistol is fine if space is tight.
Home defense isn’t just about the gun. Get good locks, motion-activated lights, and a security camera system. The goal is to prevent a break-in before it happens.
If you’re worried about overpenetration, check out this video: How bullets travel through walls. Garand Thumb does a great job explaining which calibers penetrate the most and least.
AR-15s don’t overpenetrate as much as you’d think. 5.56 is light and fast, so it dumps energy quickly compared to buckshot or pistol rounds. A rifle might actually be safer than a shotgun in that regard.