Best gun for home defense? Let’s settle this once and for all…

Looking for a solid home defense firearm. What do you guys recommend? Handgun, shotgun, AR? What’s the best for stopping an intruder fast? Let’s hear your thoughts.

Whatever you’ve trained with enough to use without thinking.

Skylar said:
Whatever you’ve trained with enough to use without thinking.

Yep. ARs are great, but a 12-gauge pump can do the job with enough practice.

Cade said:

Skylar said:
Whatever you’ve trained with enough to use without thinking.

Yep. ARs are great, but a 12-gauge pump can do the job with enough practice.

Wouldn’t a shotgun be better for home defense overall? I have a handgun and have used ARs, but a shotgun seems more practical in that situation.

Not necessarily. A standard AR-15 is actually shorter than most shotguns. Plus, ARs have lower recoil, higher capacity, and tend to penetrate walls less than buckshot. If you live with others or in an apartment, that matters.

Fair point, but a good shotgun is cheap and easy to find. Not perfect, but it works.

Cade said:
Fair point, but a good shotgun is cheap and easy to find. Not perfect, but it works.

Cost wasn’t the question. Yeah, shotguns are cheaper, but the best choice overall is still an AR.

Shotguns usually hold 5 rounds. A standard AR holds 30. Also, buckshot tends to overpenetrate more than people think. AR wins for home defense in my opinion.

Dior said:
Shotguns usually hold 5 rounds. A standard AR holds 30. Also, buckshot tends to overpenetrate more than people think. AR wins for home defense in my opinion.

I see your point. Didn’t think about the penetration factor.

Yeah, a lot of people assume shotguns are safer in that regard, but they aren’t. That’s why picking the right ammo is just as important as picking the right gun.

Dior said:
Yeah, a lot of people assume shotguns are safer in that regard, but they aren’t. That’s why picking the right ammo is just as important as picking the right gun.

And at typical home defense distances, you still have to aim a shotgun carefully. The spread isn’t as big as people think.

If money wasn’t a factor, we’d all be using some wild setups lol. But yeah, ARs still come out on top.

AmeliaTurner said:
If money wasn’t a factor, we’d all be using some wild setups lol. But yeah, ARs still come out on top.

Even if money wasn’t an issue, an AR would probably still be the best option.

Shotguns kick harder, hold fewer rounds, and still need to be aimed just as carefully as a rifle at home defense distances. ARs are just easier to handle.

Cade said:

Skylar said:
Whatever you’ve trained with enough to use without thinking.

Yep. ARs are great, but a 12-gauge pump can do the job with enough practice.

And don’t forget good buckshot.

Skylar said:
Whatever you’ve trained with enough to use without thinking.

Exactly this. Doesn’t matter what you own if you don’t practice.

It really depends on where you live and what kind of threats you expect. But for most people, an AR-15 with a light, sling, and good ammo is the way to go. I usually go with 77-grain hollow points or 62-grain bonded soft points for home defense.

Honestly, the best gun is the one you know how to use. If you’re not trained, start there first. A lot of people buy guns without understanding how they actually work, and that’s a problem.

Mai said:
Honestly, the best gun is the one you know how to use. If you’re not trained, start there first. A lot of people buy guns without understanding how they actually work, and that’s a problem.

I get that. But if we’re just talking about options, I think an AR-15 is the best all-around choice.

A 14.5-inch AR-15 with a pinned muzzle device, 30-round mags, and proper self-defense ammo. It’s lightweight, holds plenty of rounds, and doesn’t overpenetrate as much as people think.